Four & 1/2 Years ago when we found our cottage we knew it would be "home sweet home" ~~ But what really sold us on our place was the woods behind our house, so thick at that time we couldn't walk through them. We moved in on the first day of Spring 2004 & within a week & with boxes still stacked in the house to be unpacked, we headed back to the woods & cut walking trails, put benches so we could sit & enjoy it, hung bird feeders, birdhouses, & windchimes, & made an arbor from tree limbs for the blackberries & honeysuckle vines ~~

This was the first week & first wall & it was almost every bit put together by TZ with salvaged, found, curbside, & free materials ~~

With it's rickety tree log steps, it's very rustic & primitive with a screened in porch where we love to sit in our rocking chairs & watch the birds & other wildlife ~~

It's a great place to camp-out when we don't wanna leave home......just head to the woods ~ We've even joked that we should move in ~~ what a much simpler life to live in a tiny little cabin!

One of the few things we actually had to buy were the two sliding windows on each side ~~ curtains, chairs, etc. were all from garage sales or the curb ~~

The sleeping loft has just a simple mattress & a window on each side - all were found on the curb - it almost feels like a treehouse up there because the peak of the cabin is up in the trees & there is always a nice cross breeze coming through those windows ~~ the doggie fence is to keep Cabo & Cookie from falling out! TZ built wooden slats on the wall for climbing up there & we have little skylights in the roof to let in the sunlight & see the sky ~~ the tin roof is so nice when it rains ~~

There is an unfinished "peak" at the tippy top with no tin - that would be right about when TZ fell off the ladder ~~ I'd rather see it unfinished than for him to get back up there - it's very high!~~

I found our "WELCOME TO OUR CABIN" paddle sign at a garage sale for two dollars ~~
I especially love being out here this time of year in the fall ~~ the breeze is wonderful, it's very cool, & the leaves are falling ~ the trees are dancing! It's just a quiet, serene, & happy place to be & it's a nice, lingering little walk through the woods to get there!
Now if you go here - Good2go2Mexico you can take another walk that I'm sure you will enjoy. My sister Linda & her husband Bill moved to Alamos Mexico this summer ~~ You'll find lots of great, fun, & funny adventures in her blog!
Happy October! ~~ Kathy xoxoxo
That's so cool! I love that you built it yourself! How wonderful to be able to go away with out really going away!
I absolutely love your cabin! What a wonderful getaway place, right in your own "backyard"!
Your cabin in the woods is beautiful, it looks so peaceful and quiet. Wish I could be there to enjoy it! It's great that it was mostly salvaged materials and you guys built it by yourselves.
Your cabin in the woods is a terrific getaway. I also helped my DH build a very similar construction project. Isn't it awesome to enjoy the rustic and simple qualities and know you created it with your own hands!!
Great job, enjoyed the tour.
So neat! I love the little cabin and the benches in the woods. I bet it is so peaceful there!
I love it! It looks perfect and bear free! The path looks so welcoming. It's heavenly!
Oh that's just cool! I should get the hubby to build me something like that to get away from all the business :)
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