End of summer still blooms on at kattz*cottage ~~


Blue Mist.....

Althea - "Rose of Sharon".....

Red Salvia & Periwinkles......

Esperanza "Yellow Bells" & the "Katy Road" Rose......

4 O'clocks.....& one of our 2 Turkeys - "Pork & Bean".......

The front yard.......

Fall mums.....

This was our Morning Glory Deck 2 Years ago......

This is our Morning Glory Deck today.....It's amazing what a difference it makes when you don't get rain......morning glories barely bloomed this year.....& there is Turkey #2 - either Pork or Bean.....lol.....they love coming up on the deck to eat from the vines......

It's always sad to see Summer come to an end.......before long the flowers will fade but I have that wonderful fall feeling & will soon put up the fall wreath & the pumpkin on the porch ~~ the windows & doors are all open & the air is cooler, crisper ~~ it already feels like fall ~~ & it's only 4 days away ~~ I'm so ready to enjoy it!........Happy Autumn! xoxoxoxo Kathy
I know what you mean...I just hate to give up summer but I am being forced to do it, so I just put out a few autumn decorations and will ride it out til Christmas..my favorite holiday.
I LOVE PORK & BEANS....do they start looking for a hiding place near Thanksgiving?????
Your flowers still look so nice! I had a ton of morning glories this summer; but boy, do the vines look awful now! And they were fucshia, not nearly as attractive as the blue ones I've had before; they don't open up as much, so aren't as showy. Love your turkeys!
Wonderful photos of all your beautiful garden areas. I love it that you have pet turkeys!
:-) Rosie (Rosie's Whimsy)
Hi, just wanted to thank you for stopping by this day...and to also say that I still am TOTALLY in love with your sweet yellow cottage.
I love your cottage and your turkeys. We have a brood (?) of 9 that roam the neighborhood. I hope to get some pics of them soon. I love your garden pics, I am also an avid gardener. Thanks for sharing.
Your fall end of summer blooms are so lovely, but I know all your gorgeous holiday decorations are on their way in. I honestly can hardly wait to see what you will have for this year's Christmas decor.....your sister...
I love your flower gardens. They are so pretty. We have snow already up here in Alaska. Enjoy your fall. I'm sure it will be beautiful.
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