Number One Rule when Camping - "Must Take Flowers" :-) (or pick them if you're not in a state park) for the picnic table and my special red & white tablecloth just like mom's......

Our New Adventures with Joey......
We just had a wonderful, relaxing camping trip for the holiday ~~ I was a lady of leisure....relax, relax, relax was the rule of camp after falling on my tailbone 11 days ago - I'm wondering if it will ever get better? If you've never fallen on your tailbone, DON'T do it. It's not fun. And any ideas to help ease the pain will be greatly welcomed. Doctor, X-Ray, Pain pills, ice, rest, etc, etc, etc, nothing is working.....plain & simple --- It hurts....
Anyway, we took some nice, easy, slowwww little walks down winding trails, paths, among big beautiful trees, & calm breezes. We usually ride our bikes but no biking for me this time. Then back to the ice pack & lots of rest with books & magazines. Nice little afternoon naps were the best.
We recently graduated from our tent & this is our new baby - his name is Joey :-)
Our new pride & joy & we are having too much fun with this little guy.
And he IS little - just 17' & perfect for two people along with 2 little dogs.
We've been to 3 different Texas state parks this summer & we are loving our new adventures with Joey.....

The top picture is our lovely spot from last weekend & this shady spot was from our first camping trip in Joey.........

We sat up camp & then meandered down nice walking trails.....

Over Mossy Creeks......

Past Crooked Trees growing out of rocks......

Fallen Tree on the trail......

Cool Rock with perfectly round hole caught our attention......

Rambling on down the path......

Rest Area - too hard for injured tailbones to sit :-(

Soft Green Moss......

And back to my cozy corner to relax with magazines & books......my Gene Autry flashlight is handy so NO more tailbone falls during the night......I found the peacock feather on our first trip when we toured a lovely garden.....

A "sneak peak" inside - NO we don't take Cosmo camping - I took this at home & he was hoping to take his afternoon nap in there........

My fun little kitchen.....

Little retro flowers party lights & I found the lounge/recliner chair at a garage sale - one dollar!....was so happy to have it since tailbone injury......I could stretch out & lay on my side.......really comfy....

Too much fun - I am SO ready for fall & can't wait for our fall trip in October!
Joey is so cute! He looks like it's no problem to pick up and go on a whim! My husband has started saving for one for when he retires. Maybe a little bigger than Joey. Maybe a Joseph! Looks like you had fun, and I sure hope your tailbone gets better real soon!
What an awesome little trailer. So sorry to hear about your fall. I bet that hurt. No idea's for you just take it easy. I have been bothered by sciatic nerve pain lately. It is the pitts too. take care.
hi girl, I love Joey. Can't believe we didn't go in while we were there. Too much to do. I am sure you had a great trip. Darn that tailbone!!!Love you!
Mmmmmmmmm........yeah....I've done the tailbone thing too...OUCH...it was actually when I broke my leg, I was in a wheelchair, didn't set the break...stood up for one second, went to sit back down and the darn thing had rolled away. YIKES! I found a nice little doughnut pillow really eased the pain and helped it to heal. Although it took a realllly long time.
Love camping and your new little Joey is just too darn cute. I'd love to have one too!
Blessings...and wishes for a quick recovery.
Oh dang....I always proofread and didn't....set the BRAKE....not break...I must have had break on the mind!
Oh wow, that looks SOOOO nice & peaceful! Joey looks like a dream. Sorry about your fall!
You've been very quiet this summer. Hope to catch up with you soon!
Oh how fun your camping adventure must have been. Very beautiful pics too.
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