We have a new "baby" at our house - & his name should be "Trouble" with a capital "T" but I call him Cosmo ~~ doesn't he look SO innocent? Most of you who read this blog think kattz*cottage could be all about cats! But I have to admit I'm a dog lover - have never really loved cats that much. But for some reason I've tried to make a cat connection since we've lived in the country. The sad fact is maybe because we are in the country they always disappear. They are grabbed up by something unknown so I always say "I can't have ANYMORE CATS" because I always lose them.
But here he is - this little kitten so very CUTE! I got him at 6 weeks old in a Wal-Mart parking lot! He's a big ball of crazy energy, bouncing off the walls, pouncing on Cabo & Cookie who are fit to be tied & wish he had never bounced through the front door! The pictures show it all......two little chihuahuas who's world has come unwound! We will do our best to love & tame him & keep him safe at kattz*cottage.........& eventually Cookie & Cabo & Cosmo will be good buddies!
THANK YOU to everyone helped me with my "what is it's!" I appreciate all your help & because of internet problems & being way toooooo busy I haven't sent answers to everyone that commented. Thanks to all of you though ~~ & especially to Shirlee & Debbie who sent awards my way. I appreciate all of you so much for your comments & just for visiting kattz*cottage!
HAPPY SUMMER! Kathy xoxoxo
Oh, Cosmo is too cute! Kittens are such funny little things, you can't help but laugh when you are around them:>)
Awwwww, he is just a little love, isn't he?!!
Awwww, your new "little addition" to the family is adorable!
Oooo~ he's so cute! Kittens are the best (though I love my "grown-up" girls, too) all that energy, fluff, & wide-eyed wonder.
OMG, what a cute little kitty!
They are so fun.
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