What fun this has been! One year ago this week I started kattz*cottage blog! I haven't been the best blogger with constant keeping up but I have thoroughly enjoyed keeping this little journal & meeting so many wonderful people in the blog world. I love reading each & every comment I receive & I have learned so much from reading so many beautiful blogs!
To say "Thank You" here is my anniversary "in the pink" cottage give-away ~~ A reversible Lavender Dream Pillow, Lavender Strawberry Sachet & matching Lavender Sachet "Little Purse" all Handmade by me ~~ a beautiful Cottage Flowers photo album, Rose picture frame, a Victorian Fan, & some other sweet cottage chic treasures! All comments left between today & Sunday night ~ 3/16 will be entered in the drawing ~~ I will have a Top o' the Mornin' St. Patrick's Day announcement of the winner on Monday March 17!
I would love to meet new blogging friends so feel free to pass the word along if you'd like. I will also later add a few more give-away treasures to the 10 things pictured above!
A huge THANK YOU for all your kind words & blogging friendship!
Much Love & Hugs! ~~ Kathy
Happy Anniversary Kathy!!
Blogland is even more special because YOU are a part of it!
Please don't enter my name in your drawing as I have been blessed with so much and I'd rather someone else have the chance to win one of your lovelies.. May you have another wonderful year of blog bliss! Thank you for all that you share!
Happy Anniversary Kathy! Your's was one of the first blogs I started reading - hard to believe it's been a year already! I always enjoying coming to your blog to see what you're up to and it's been really wonderful getting to know you. Like Kim said, here's to another wonderful year of blogging!
Dear Kathy, I'm bj and very glad to meet you.
What a fabulous giveaway you are having. Pls. enter my name and, since you said we could "spread the word", I will announce it on my blog.
Happy Anniversary, Kathy...come see me!
Hey Kathy,
I saw your comment over at Kim's...so pls. enter my name in your lovely give away, Happy Anniversary.
Belated Happy Birthday as well.
Kathy :)
Happy Blog a versary Kathy!
Its been fun visiting Kattz cottage!
I enjoy your blog and pretty pictures!
Hugz, Dolly
Happy Anniversay Kathy! What a great milestone. We began blogging very close to the same time and I have enjoyed looking in at your beautiful blog so much! Please count me in on this gorgeous give-away!
Happy Bloversary! Thank you for sharing with us!
Happy Anniversary, Kathy. I sure hope you will be gracing us with another year of fabulous posts!
:-) Rosie
Congrats on blogging 1 year!! I'm past a year! oops! It's very sweet of you to do a giveaway. I should have done that too! Good luck to everyone! What's the weather like in Texas? I'll be there in July! Whoo hoo!
Happy Blogiversary! I love your blog! All the best to you.
Best wishes on a year of blogging...quite an accomplishment!
Happy one year anniversary! I found out about your sweet blog from Manuela at The Feathered Nest...What a cute blog...
Stop in and visit me when you have time!
Happy blog anniversary Kathy, I really enjoy your blog...keep the lovely ideas and pictures comin...
Love to you,
Debbie Kay
Happy One Year! How sweet of you to have a Giveaway! This is my first visit (came via Feathered Nest). I love pink so of course I'd love to be added to your drawing! Come visit my blog if you have time!
Everyday Cookies blog
I just found your blog through the feathered nest & it's so beautiful! I look forward to reading more! I would love to be entered in the giveaway, it's so fabulous! Happy anniversary!
Happy Anniversary Kathy:
I discovered the domestic blogs about a month ago and what a treat. I love the colors you use on this blog. Best regards for a great anniversary as well as a great second year. I would also love to be entered in the giveaway.
Kathy O
Hi and Happy Anniversary. I've enjoyed reading your blog and seeing your beautiful cottage. Please enter me in your drawing. Thanks!
hI...Just wanted to say thanks for coming by today and leaving sweet words about my kitchen. I have a post in my archives about the magazine pic. I saw of a kitchen like mine and just loved the red cabinets..the next day found me with paint in one hand and a brush in the other...I still love my creme uppers and red bottoms. In fact, I've had them now for about 4 years and I still smile every morning when I walk into my kitchen.
I just enlarged the pic of your adorable house and FELL IN LOVE. It is just what I have always dreamed of having. I am just about to have a run-away to see the inside!
hugs, bj
Happy anniversary Kathy! I hope you don't mind that I added your link to my blogroll. Your blog is lovely and I want to remember to come back and visit you!
Thank you so much for visiting me and for your sweet comments!
Wishing you many more happy anniversaries to come
Just to let you know I added the info about your giveaway on my sidebar for all to see! :) GOOD LUCK....
hugs, bj
ONE YEAR!!! And I am thrilled to be here to CELEBRATE it with YOU!!!
What an AWESOME LOOT of TREASURES you are giving away. FUN FUN FUN!!! Please enter me in your drawing and keep up the fun blog!!!
THANK YOU for being part of my life!!!
Love and Hugs,
Amy (Mom to the Four Sisters)
PS...YES, I remember your blog just starting a year ago)
Kathy, Happy Anniversary!! Gesh how have I missed you for an entire year??? Surely this will change now as of this moment! Come visit soon! And I would feel like a queen to win those fabulous pink goodies! So precious!
Kathy~ Happy Blogaversary! I've enjoyed getting to know you this past year, reading about your trips and your cute cottage in TX. Hope you have another happy year of blogging!
Happy Anniversary Kathy!! You've been one of my favorite bloggers since the first time I visited Kattz Cottage. I hope you'll have many more blogaverdsaries!!
Happy blog anniversary, Kathy. I enjoy coming here, so very much.
Best wishes for many more blogging years!
Manuela sent me your way! I love meeting new people in ways never imagined a few years ago! From one Texan to another, happy anniversary!!
Just Love your Blog ! Snow in Texas ? ? Come to good ole' Pa. We still have SNOW on the ground! It never leaves.... Just kidding! Your Blog is eye-candy! !
Happy Blogiversary Kathy:-) I'm celebrating my 2nd Blogiversary today! I'm here via BJ, she's pointed us in your direction and I'm so glad I've come over to visit...your blog looks delightful and they type of place I love to visit:-) Here's to many more posts!!! xox
Happy one year Blogging Anniversary!!! My first visit here! Beautiful items in your give away! And a beautiful blog!
I wish you many more Happy years of blogging!
Nice to meet you!
Have a lovely weekend!
Happy Bloggy Anniversary!!
Your blog is a lovely addition to my day. I have enjoyed part of this last year with you, and will look forward to many more!
Happy blog anniversary. Your blog is a favorite, found from a link on another blog. Love your home and porch and your flowers.
Happy Anniversary, I just found your site and just in time. I would love to be entered in your drawing. Happy blogging
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