Meet the new members of our family.....14 new feathered babies! Our grown hens already give us more eggs each week than we can eat but with the price of eggs these days a few more can't hurt! We're always happy to share & the eggs you gather yourself are always the best. We have brown eggs & colored eggs & they are so creamy & good.
We've had the new babies a couple of weeks & they are growing so fast!
On the other hand, we have a very mean rooster - he's a beautiful big Buff Orpington but he attacks us! I have bruises & cuts on my leg & knee from his attacks. I plan to find a new NICE rooster soon!
Sorry Butterscotch :-( You will have to go to a new home before the new babies head to the coop.
I'm happy to have been tagged by Suzanne ~ Painter of the Past at Pear Tree Primitives to tell you how I came up with my blog & business name ~~ kattz*cottage
This is interesting because I've always wondered how so many blog names come about & why they are chosen!! So here is mine ~~
KAT is a nickname from my husband TZ
TZ is my nickname for him & it's his initials
Put the two together & you have "kattz".....& I have LOVED Cottages since I was a little girl & I do live in my dream cottage ~~ I have collected Cottage china & Cottage pictures for years & years & there is nothing COZIER than a Cottage!
In the fall of 2002 we started a new adventure called Geocaching and "kattz" is the geocaching name we came up with by putting our names together. Geocaching is SO much fun! It's all about treasure hunting with a GPS & it takes you to some of the most beautiful places! Since 2002 we have found 1666 geocaches & we have placed 50 of our own to be found. We do lots of geocaches on every trip we take ~~ you never know where they will lead you! You can find us through www.geocaching.com as "kattz"!
Since kattz was our geocache name I decided to change my ebay name to kattz*cottage ~~ so on from there it just made perfect sense to be kattz*cottage in the blogging world too!
I will pass this tag on to anyone who would like to tell us your "blog name" story!
Beautiful, warm, & sunny 80's here today ~~ hope yours is beautiful too!