What a crazy & worrisome two days this turned out to be! I went out to feed our goat Vanilla Bean in the woods & heard Cosmo meowing from about 50' above me in a tree....so far up I could hardly see him.

Look how high he was! That started 2 whole days of trying to get my kitty out of this tree SO high up that I can only imagine how scared he was. If you look at the very top fork in the tree that is where he was for a long, long time....

So I tried everything I could think of to get him to come down but he wouldn't budge.
Coaxing didn't work - a huge bowl of his favorite food didn't work - baby talk didn't work - shaking the tree didn't work ~~ TZ even took down the flag pole, attached a hanger hoop on the end & tried to scoop him off ~~ nothing worked.......so poor little Cosmo who has grown up but is still such a big baby, was stuck for two days & nights, 50 feet up a tree in our woods ~~ he cried & looked so scared....

Especially here where he is peeking down at me wondering why I'm not climbing up there to get him down.....

For a long, long time he was perched in that small fork of the tree that he must have scooted & shimmied up because there were no limbs to climb back down. So on the second night when the forecast said lows in the 20's there was no other choice....

TZ cut the tree down with the chainsaw ~~ Cosmo held on for dear life all the way down & then jumped off at about 10 feet - no broken bones, no worse for wear - just a starving kitty!
Thank goodness it was a dead tree so no great loss there & we have tons of trees ~ If it had been a live one he might still be up there!

He came in & ate THREE cans of kitty food within the hour & has turned into a big baby since that escapade.....a very pampered kitty jumping in my lap wanting lots of love & reassurance ~ This kitty doesn't venture out much anymore.....he hasn't forgotten the big tree.....& stays safe & sound inside with Cabo & Cookie.....lots of baby naps....