A very unexpected Wildflower Garden has just come to life before our very eyes!
We had a mound of leftover dirt that we had used to fill in holes that our happy chickens dug ~~ Last fall we spread it all out flat & then scattered a variety of seeds - mostly wildflower mix all over it. Just THREW them out there! And then kind of forgot about it - didn't do a thing to it!
Until a couple of weeks ago - when THIS appeared ~ like a Wildflower Fairy had waved her magic wand & wa-laa - there it was! Red Poppies, Blue Bachelor's Buttons, Red Clover, Yellow Coreopsis, Purple Larkspur......It changes & grows every day as more & more little buds open & bloom!
A couple of nights this week we've headed down the road to do our favorite wildflower drive ~~ I love picking huge bouquets of them ~~ and we dug up a few more lovelies to add to add to our new fairy wildflower garden - foxgloves, wine cups, daisies ~ And YES - that IS a purple BOWLING "gazing" BALL smack in the very middle sitting on a stand I picked up from a dumpster in Fredericksburg last month! It was TZ's idea to make it a "gazing" ball stand & I've grown to like that big spash of purple in there! He bought the bowing ball - two of them actually - $1 at a garage sale ~ to paint them like ladybugs for the garden....a very cool idea he saw in a garden magazine!.........but that's another story!
The whole garden is a little unkempt~shabby chic-ish~looking but I kind of like it that way! No planned garden style made by me - just did it's own happy thing!
My Pink Fairy Rose is JUST on the verge of a beautiful bloom! I will bring it to you soon!
Friday night & we're always on the dance floor right about now but decided to give our boots a rest & take a night off......we're up early tomorrow morning to head to the Bowie Trade Days to look for a new *NICE* Rooster, Pet Turkeys, & **FLOWERS**!!!!..............Happy Weekend!! xoxoxo