I can't make it through winter without a "little corner of spring"! However yesterday felt like spring really is around the corner! It was 76 degrees. I went outside barefooted wearing shorts & a t-shirt. I took a little walk through our woods, moved some limbs that were down from our recent winter winds, & felt like winter is officially over!
Unfortunately I know better & it will be cold again but I really, really DO NOT like winter. I never have & would take 100 degrees any day over 40 ~ I'm definitely a summer girl! But I will TRY to be patient & wait it out because I know 2 months will fly by & SOON it will be March & officially spring! So here is my "spring corner" in my kitchen window that will tide me over until the world comes back to life again, all green & fresh & colorful!

With SPRING out of the way now, because no doubt I'm jumping the gun, I wish a belated Happy New Year to everyone. We had a wonderful first week of 2008, welcoming New Year's Eve in on the dance floor, & hiking at one of our favorite geocaching spots, the LBJ Grasslands.
Cookie & Cabo love getting to run free & lead the way all up & down the trails. A couple of years ago we placed a terra-cache along this rugged trail. The cache is wayyyyy up high in a tree & can only be found at night - we put reflector markers in the trees all along the trail to lead the way. To find it the geocacher has to follow this steep ravine which is a very sharp drop-off. Not too many geocachers have attempted this one!

But Mama won't let them so they have to hang out with me & look sad! :-(

The Pine Grove was our next hiking spot in the grasslands - an awesome place even in winter - the pine trees are so tall & make me think of east Texas where I grew up. There is another huge pine grove on the other side of a lake in the grasslands that we canoe to for picnics - a really beautiful & serene place.
I also want share a very special new blog Glass Pond Studio, just created by my sister Linda. She makes beautiful handmade jewelry & gorgeous glass beads, lives in the Pacific Northwest, & she & her husband Bill are getting ready to move to Mexico! She will have many interesting stories down the road so check out her blog at Glass Pond Studio!

You sound like me! Got to have flowers blooming somewhere! I love violets and streps. And both of them are so easy to root that you can have tons and tons of them! Thank you for stopping by my blog and for your very sweet comment. I hope you will visit again very soon!
I'm not much of a cold person either but then again I don't like the summer when it's above 90. I like fall! That's a good idea to have a little corner of spring in your house. I don't think I have room to set something up like that but I do try to use fresh flowers and plants on my table.
Hi Kathy!
Love your little corner of spring, since packing up the CHristmas things I have come to the realization that I need some live flowering plants to fill the empty spots! I couldnt help laughing about you taking 100 degree weather over 40 degrees, here in Michigan 40 degrees is spring! Guess its all a matter of perspective:>)
Pretty photos Kathy! It looks as if you are having gorgeous "Spring-like" weather! 76 degrees sounds perfect!
Please stop by my blog when you have a moment...I'm having my 100th post give away!
Off to check out your sister's blog!
I would take 40 over -40 any day! Yesterday it was -40 and today we are having a heat wave with the temps at 0! Thank goodness you don't live in Alaska.
How did I miss saying Happy New Year to you! I love the shelf with your african violets. I wish I had a good window for mine. They are my favorite house plant.
ohhhh i like your spring corner..i love spring and i hope it comes very soon..
Your little corner of Spring is very pretty! I don't like cold weather either and we had spring weather here ysterday too which was wonderful. I noticed our Carolina jasmine had little buds but I bet they'll be frozen before true spring comes.... :( Enjoy your little indoor garden!
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