Just after supper & world news we head out the back door to spend some time outdoors to do projects & just to enjoy our gardens, our animals, & to take a walk through our woods ~
Our spring chicks are nice big hens now & have just started laying ~ every new warm egg we discover is like finding a jewel! Some of them are Americanas that lay colored eggs - I love the blue eggs ~ Our Rooster Butterscotch has a funny crow but he's a big & very pretty "woosta" ~ Unfortunately we've lost so many hens, roosters, & our huge pet turkey that we loved so much to raccoons that come out of the woods.......but this spring TZ covered the top of the pen & so far they are safe & sound. Our new baby turkey gets to leave the coop to follow TZ on grasshopper hunts - he heels like a dog & never leaves his sight ~ if he loses sight of him he makes a huge ruckus until he's back by his feet. Our second baby turkey is so wild we had to chase him all over the woods to get him back ~ so he doesn't get to do grasshopper hunts anymore.....lol
Our chihuahua Cookie follows turkey while Cabo pushes the croquet ball all over the yard with his nose. He never tires of this & barks at the ball the whole time ~ he does this inside the house too with his tennis balls. Our cat Kharma lazes around but almost every night catches a frog beside the pond ~ I have to chase him till he lets it go ~ I love the frogs & we have them everywhere this year because we have had so much rain.
And our girls Violet & Vanilla Bean are LaMancha goats - very funny looking because they have no ears.....well, really they do but you can't see them - they look like they're wearing earrings.....but they're very pretty girls & very sweet. The full moon this week has been so pretty - last night TZ hung our new/old $5 garage sale porch swing from the big bois d'arc tree by the pond ~ nice little nights in the country & hope you're enjoying your end of summer nights too - they're almost gone ~ But I DO love Autumn & it's almost here!