The new "garden room" finished just in time for SNOW! I will take you on a little tutorial tour from beginning to end.....

Step 1 - Picking the right spot - just on the other side of that tree.....a nice shady spot beside the Iris.....

Step 2 - Laying a rock "patio" with rocks gathered around the yard & pulled in the wagon to the "spot".....

Step 3 - Digging out a path to lay a brick walk which starts from the side porch by the kitchen door....the bricks - FREE - came from TZ's sister just up the road....THAT was the hardest part - loading the bricks to bring them home & then unloading them to this spot! HARD work!

Step 4 - Cutesy lil' brick pansy bed with leftover bricks......Cookie following the yellow brick road - we couldn't help singing that of course while we were laying the path....

Step 5 - White chair & cushions - two different curb finds --- green chair - one dollar @ g. sale.....

Step 6 - Hung a wind chime, pots of plants, little bird bath, angel statue....I think I will hang some Christmas lights around & over it to light it up for the holidays!

It was getting dark so my pictures aren't too bright - by the end of the day & all finished - I was very happy with the completion of this project & proud to say it was done at almost no cost - it should be called the frugal room....lol

Luckily living in Texas I will have many days even during the winter to meander down the curvy brick walk to sit in this "room" that I put together on a whim. I'm calling it the "reading garden" - it's the perfect place to take a book or magazine to relax with a cup of tea.

YES it SNOWED in TEXAS today which is a rare occurrence for this early in December. I was shocked when I opened the door this morning to let Cabo & Cookie out for their morning romp to the woods - Snow~Snow~Snow~Snow~Snow~~~ I have to admit it was BEAUTIFUL & I am now getting very much into the Christmas spirit!